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You don’t control sclerotinia by chance. You do it by choice.

Higher returns with a sclerotinia fungicide in canola.

Sclerotinia is one of the most destructive diseases in canola, causing substantial yield reductions if left unmanaged. Although high levels of precipitation and humidity increase the risk for sclerotinia, it’s not uncommon for infection levels to be as high as 10% even where rainfall is below average. In average precipitation years, yield losses in unmanaged fields can add up to more than 3 bu/ac in a 45 bu/ac crop.

The ROI from a field-proven sclerotinia product can be calculated with knowledge from the considerations below and the equation above.

Plan. Protect. Profit.

What to consider when deciding to spray for sclerotinia.

Target yield

Understanding yield targets will help determine the potential impact of sclerotinia and help quantify the value of a sclerotinia fungicide application.

Crop rotation

Seeding canola more frequently than every 1 in 3 years of a rotation or having a tight rotation with other host crops for sclerotinia (e.g. pulses, potatoes and sunflowers) can increase risk.

Commodity price

High commodity prices further benefit the return on investment (ROI) when applying fungicides.


Wet conditions create the ideal environment for sclerotinia development, but morning dew and the transition from hot days to cool nights can also create high humidity in the crop canopy.

Great sclerotinia control option from BASF.

Cotegra fungicide sets the standard of protection for sclerotinia management by combining two leading active ingredients that target the sclerotinia pathogen throughout its lifecycle. It delivers premium protection with outstanding control in all disease situations.

Need help planning your disease control strategy?

We've got you covered!

Get in touch with your local Hawk’s Agro sales representative or Crop360 Agronomist to ensure you select the right product for your field!