• Partners in agriculture.

Feed Procurement

JGL Commodities is a leading animal feed supplier to the North American beef, pork and poultry production industries. Our strong position in the domestic feed trade gives us access to competitively priced and consistent feed ingredient supply.

Traders Across North America

JGL Commodities is proud to be closely connected with farmers across the growing regions of Canada and the USA, with trading offices across North America to serve you better.

Shipping Options

JGL Commodities trades approximately 1,000,000MT of grains, pulses, and oilseeds per year. We can ship in several ways, including bulk container, 2000lb tote bags, 100lb bags, and 50lb bags.

JGL Commodities offers

  • Supply chain management solutions
  • Feed procurement
  • Contract options
  • Professional freight services
  • Multiple payment methods
  • Owned & operated transloading facility
  • Offices across Canada & USA
  • Licensed and bonded by the Canadian Grain Commission


JGL Commodities

JGL Commodities is a full service feed ingredient supplier including merchandising, distribution, & administration. CGC licensed and bonded.

Why Choose Us?

40+ years of experience

Our experienced traders are closely connected with farmers across the growing regions of Canada and the United States. We provide supply chain management solutions for processors including wheat millers, protein producers, and pet food manufacturers. We offer a variety of contract options, professional freight service, and a number of payment methods. Our ultimate goal is to offer these services in a trustworthy and friendly manner so that we can build long-term relationships with all our customers.

Our expertise provides market opportunities that are not available through a traditional line company. We work closely with several toll processors and shippers across Canada and the USA as well as own and operate a transloading facility in Southern Saskatchewan to give us a wide variety of shipping options. We bring more value to your farm.


What Our Clients Saying?